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Karmas can be Healed

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The past is a different country.

You may not have realized it, but in your life you’ve always been able to choose your future. Yes, you didn’t just wake up one day and find yourself with a set of circumstances that were predetermined for you by God or Fate or the Universe; instead, you took action to make those things happen.

I’m not saying that this is easy—it’s not! It takes effort and focus, and there are many times when we give up on our dreams because they seem too far out of reach. But if you’re reading these words right now, then I’m going to assume that you’re still pursuing them—even if it seems like the Universe is conspiring against you by keeping your path blocked.

So how do we make these things happen? How do we ensure that each day brings us closer to our goals? In order for us to truly be free agents in our lives, we need to understand what our actions mean for ourselves and others around us.

But what is Karma, and how is it related to this ?

Karma is the Sanskrit word that means “action.” Karma can be good or bad depending on our actions. If we know what action to take and then do it, we will experience happiness as our reward. Your past actions are what you are today.

Karma is sometimes considered a law of nature or the way things work in the universe. The idea that we reap what we sow is a popular concept, often mentioned by our ancestors in ancient texts and religious records. It’s also known as the cause and effect theory of life. The results of our actions in this life, can be good or bad. The result of a good deed can lead us to peace and joy on earth. The results of an evil deed are much more painful because someone is suffering from them.

How is Karma cleansed ?

Karmic cleansing is the process of clearing limiting beliefs, oaths, curses, vows, past-life issues, inner child issues and ancestral issues. This includes aura healing, entity/spirit release and karma balance.

It is a journey to self-discovery that begins with the person themselves. They must be willing to look deep within themselves and find out what blocks their growth and happiness. They must be willing to accept responsibility for their actions and stop blaming others for their problems.

The next step is to heal from the past by releasing all negative energies from your life. This can include removing entities from your body as well as releasing any curses or vows you may have made in the past.

The last step is balancing karma with Mother Earth (mother) and Father Sky (father). This also involves removing blockages from your chakras so that you can receive guidance from above which will help you achieve balance in your life.

Why should you cleanse your Karmas ?

The Karmic Cleaning process can help you to release the negative energy and heal your chakras. It is a powerful healing modality that allows you to clear limiting beliefs, release entities that are no longer serving your highest good, release curses and vows, clear out blockages and release blocks in your life. This process will help you to heal relationships with people in your past who may have caused you pain and will also help you heal past relationships with family members or other loved ones who may or may not have caused you pain in the past.

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I’m a professional and experienced relationship coach and spiritual healer.

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